A review by ximradletshuggx
The Girlfriend by R.L. Stine


Book: The Girlfriend
Written By: R.L. Stine
Genre: YA Horror (but the spine of my copy says thriller)
Rating: 5/5 stars

I would recommend buying this book instead of borrowing it.

Would you read another book by this author?:
Stine is a staple from my childhood, so of course!

Who might enjoy this book?:
Someone looking for a quick read during the spooky months. Fans of movies like Swimfan, You Get Me and The Roommate

Fast paced and intriguing, I didn’t want to put it down. This is a story you’ve probably seen in movies a million times. Boy makes mistake of giving girl attention (or cheating with her), while he has a girlfriend. He tries to keep it secret but then- the girl goes crazy. But Stine makes me generally interested in what is happening. I can feel my heart beating faster wondering what Shannon is going to do do Scottie when she doesn’t give him the attention she wants.

The book starts off with Scottie and his girlfriend Lora at a party thrown by her parents to celebrate their acceptance to Princeton. Scottie is sad that Lora is going away to Paris for a week with her family and will miss his football game as well as the Homecoming dance. Lora jokingly tells him ”I think it would be really funny if you got a date to the dance.”

The irony strikes when Scottie meets Shannon after his football game. Being the friendly guy that he is, he offers her a lift home because she got a flat tire on her bike. He finds his mind wondering at how attractive he finds her, so he decides to take her out to dinner to spend more time with her.

As the story progresses and Scottie tries to cut ties with Shannon, she becomes very upset and starts to threaten him. Scared his girlfriend will find out, Scottie tries to handle the situation himself instead of going to the cops.

Without spoiling anything I am amazed with the description of panic that Scottie goes through near the end of the book. I felt fearful as if I was Scottie. Such amazing writing and descriptions for a YA novel.

Issues while reading:
- While my copy was produced in 2004, I am reminded that this book was written in the 90s when Stine describes things such as clothing. The only person I can picture in a velvet green dress is a toddler around Christmas time.
- Scotty is a pig who got himself into this mess.