A review by rkapil7
An Uncertain Glory: India and Its Contradictions by Amartya Sen, Jean Drèze, Jean Dreze


The book addresses public health and education crisis and the flawed subsidy patterns in India aptly, but beyond that the book fails terribly -
1) Praising of Kerala's social indicators - but not recognizing that union power there has rendered industry useless making Mallus fly to gulf to work in inhuman conditions and sending remittances back home to feed money for public health & education programs which inflate the indicators which Amartya Sen loves .
2) For poverty alleviation authors turn to social safety & MGNAREGA but not the manufacturing. Oh well 'developmental economists'! The book in the starting pages only mentions few words about manufacturing but mentions null about how to increase share of manufacturing in the country, which surely requires 'neo-liberal' reforms which market-phobes like these have a phobia for. That thing can be found in Panagaria's book India - Emerging Giant.
3) Caste inequalities - book only gives the picture but not the solution. For solutions go to Sen's another book 'Argumentative Indian' where he praises lower caste political parties in Kerala to fight upper caste hegemony - there is a serious problem here - because such 'revolutionary' measures only boil down to the caste tensions for short term gains but in long term it only reinforces age old caste system and cycle of oppression.