A review by hsquared
Charlie Bumpers vs. the Puny Pirates by Bill Harley


Readers familiar with Harley's song "The Love of the Game," may recognize Charlie's soccer team. Like the team from the song, Charlie's team hasn't had a lot of success on the soccer field. None, in fact, and each loss gets harder to take. Charlie and his friends have come up with a sure fire play that's bound to help them score points, but they can't use it if the coach won't put them all in at the same time. Harley's handle of youth soccer is spot on, with young players who are carefully keeping score even if the grownups aren't—officially. And parents and kids alike will recognize the pitfalls of fundraising that Harley so humorously illustrates. The boys' coach is a quiet, patient man who slowly but steadily builds the soccer skills of his team of misfits. Harley avoids the temptation to manufacture a spectacular last-second win, instead taking a more realistic, but still satisfying approach. Soccer players and fans will both enjoy this lighthearted story of the agony of defeat and the glory of winning—and families who are there for both.

*Review copy received from publisher for review for the Children's Literature Database