A review by mbenzz
The Dreamers by Karen Thompson Walker


I loved this book so much. I finished it yesterday and just can't bring myself to start another book right now as I'm afraid whatever I read next won't measure up. I hate when that happens.

Now, if I had written this review yesterday, I'd have given it 5 sparkling, shinning stars. Today though, after thinking about it all night, I lowered it to 4 stars.

The book is beautifully written. The narrative is perhaps one of my favorite that I've ever read. It's told in the third person, but in a way that really makes you appreciate the characters without getting too close to any of them. There are a lot of people in this book, and while none of them can be described as the main character, or lead, you start to feel something for each of them (well, I did at least).

The only reason I dropped off a star is the ending. I really don't want to give anything away, so I apologize if I'm vague, but things were wrapped up very quickly and with no explanation. Where did the virus come from? Why did it suddenly stop spreading? Why were some people asleep so much longer than others? Also, what happened with the college students who escaped? Were they discovered? What about the hotel clerk?

While we learn the fate of all the 'main' characters, there were others who were mentioned that we don't get a follow-up of. The business men and women...what happened to them? The teens I previously mentioned who ran off...did they end up being ok?

In the end, I choose to overlook some of these things. Yes, I would have liked an explanation for the virus, as well as an explanation for it's sudden disappearance, but the writing was so wonderful, and the story so good, that I won't hold the last couple chapters against the entire book.

I definitely recommend this. I've already asked a few of my friends to read it so we can discuss it, and, while we're only 5 minutes into 2019, I have a feeling this will rank as one of my favorites for the year.