A review by jacqueleenthereadingqueen
Devil's Hour by Aimee Nicole Walker


Having thoroughly enjoyed the first book in this series I was eager for this one, especially since it was going to be in Royce's POV this time. I loved being in Sawyer's head the first time, but I won't lie and say I wasn't wishing we got a peek into Royce's subconscious during different events. I was surprised by the amount of emotion Royce felt in this book. He tends to come off gruff and have issues putting his emotions out there, but he's learning. There are some pretty sugary moments between him and Sawyer which I may have swooned at.

Home wasn’t a place; it was a heartbeat. Royce had found the one he wanted forever.

In the first book their relationship pretty much existed in their own little bubble. Book 2 shows that bubble getting bigger, including more people. This is new to Royce, navigating life in a relationship with a man, one whom he is starting to realize he doesn't ever want to live without. Not everyone is going to have a positive response and unfortunately we see a bit of this.

We also get more information on Fleabag Felix and his editorial pieces he just loves to flaunt in Sawyer's face. There is more to the story and it gets flushed out. His douchbagery appears to know no bounds. I really wish someone would just punch him in the face.

A single arson case is the crime focus, however always running in the background is Royce's investigation into his old partner Marcus. We are introduced to some new evidence and a new case at the end, but it appears that is going to wait until the 3rd and final book. I am happy to report the final Zero Hour book is going to be dual POV so we get to live in both our heartthrobs heads. I await Miss Walker's final installment with excitement.