A review by sofia_reading
Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother by Amy Chua


I really enjoyed this book, though in honesty I had approached with mixed feelings. On the one hand I admired the idea of a mother so utterly committed to her children and their progress while on the other hand I felt repulsed by such a maniac of a woman, who couldn't even go on holiday without arranging a piano to be made available lest her daughters miss their daily practise. In reality it was a good fun read. Anyone reading it shouldn't take her obsessive nature too seriously. She is clearly being humorous and it's wonderful to see she is able to laugh at herself, a skill many of us could do with brushing up on.

A manual on how to raise your children, this book certainly isn't, but an opportunity to stop and look at our one tracked, success driven narrow vision of our children and just take chill pill, it really is.

You will be inspired, tickled, shocked, uncomfortable, puzzled, elated, aghast and whole milieu of other emotions, in true reflection of the journey which is parenting, while reading this book.