A review by maries_bookverse
Happiness, Vol. 3 by Shuzo Oshimi


5 stars

Finally, the clever and immersive plot is back in this creepy sequel!

In my opinion, it is because Makoto's relationship with Nora, and her role in his discovery of the vampire abilities she has given him.

Nora becomes a mentor figure to Makoto, teaching him about the intricacies of vampire life and helping him to understand his own abilities.

At first, Nora appears to be a friendly and supportive presence in Makoto's life. However, as the story progresses, it becomes clear that Nora has her own agenda and is not entirely trustworthy. As the story progresses, Nora becomes more manipulative and controlling, leading Makoto down a dangerous path. She encourages him to embrace his vampiric nature to an extreme degree, encouraging him to drink more blood and become more ruthless. Meanwhile, Makoto becomes increasingly isolated from humanity, feeling a sense of alienation and loneliness that he cannot shake.

Despite this, Makoto feels drawn to Nora and becomes increasingly reliant on her guidance. This puts him in a vulnerable position, as Nora has her own motives and is not always honest with him. Makoto feels a sense of loyalty to Nora, who has taught him so much about his vampiric nature. At the same time, however, he realizes that he cannot fully trust her and that their relationship is becoming more and more toxic.

I love the way the manga explores the theme of power and the way that it can corrupt individuals and relationships. Makoto's increasing thirst for blood and his growing disconnection from humanity can be seen as a commentary on the way that power can change people and lead them down dangerous paths.

Also, what I really find fascinating with this series is how the manga portrays a society that is deeply flawed and unable to support those who are struggling. Makoto is unable to find a sense of belonging or connection with others, leading him to feel isolated and alone. Meanwhile, Nora takes advantage of his vulnerability and uses him for her own purposes, highlighting the way that individuals can be exploited by those who hold power over them. The manga also explores the complex and often damaging dynamics of human relationships. Makoto's relationships with both Nora and his former classmates who used to bully him, are fraught with tension and conflict, highlighting the way that power, jealousy, and emotional manipulation can poison even the most intimate connections.

In summary, I think this is a clever written manga-series that you should read if yu also happen to like horror and vampires. "Happiness" explores the dark side of human nature and the flaws of the social structures that we inhabit. Through its exploration of power dynamics, emotional manipulation, and toxic relationships, the manga offers a critique of the societal forces that can drive individuals towards isolation, alienation, and despair.