A review by irmamari
Ask a Queer Chick: A Guide to Sex, Love, and Life for Girls Who Dig Girls by Lindsay King-Miller



idk it was like white white white American lesbianism.
Idk some things were self explanatory and I COULDNT HELP BUT WONDER, maybe not everyone is meant to write about something just bc they classify under that branch of identity. This was literally a pg 13 but some sexual themes added description about being a lesbian. I understand this is a column but can’t you leave it at that? Why make it into a book? I was really hopeful someone finally made a book going through all the bits and pieces that make up a queer identity. Yes we are individuals but we are shaped by our environment u gotta factor that in. It was also confusing to me why there was such little emphasis put on the queer spaces that created the individual.