A review by missyjohnson
A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess


What a strange book. I wonder what made Kubrick want to make a movie of this story. I will need to see the movie. The language that Alex and his droogs use is a bit annoying and I must not understand how it relates to the social pathology of the characters. I also do not really understand why chapter 7 of the 3rd part was omitted in the US version of the book nor why it is controversial. I do not think that saying that just because you are young it is ok to do anything that you want. I also am not sure how it is a vision of the future. Maybe I should just say, well my droogies, put on your platties check your zoobies and voloss then itty on to the public biblio to cast your glazzies on this title. No govoreeting or smecking. The millicents and devotchka and lewdies will be all bezoomny and want to shake your rookers.