A review by blodeuedd
Before I Go by Colleen Oakley


I got tissues sent along with my review copy, and those were needed. So that is a warning, tissues will be needed. I could not put this book down, I read it for hours until I was done.

This book was emotional, heartbreaking and I knew all along that I would end up crying. It's not a book about some woman doing all the things she wants to do. It's a book about love, life, and death. It's not a question of is she gonna make it? No, it's about when will she die...

Daisy finds out that the cancer is back, and not just back. Everywhere. She has months left. She goes through stages of depression, anger grief. She tries to be normal for a while. And then she tries to find Jack another wife for a while too. Great, now that lump is back in my throat *wipes a tear*

The book was both light and sad. The true sadness kind of just hits you at the end. It was a beautiful book. And I understood her, I mean what would you do if you were dying? One always thinks I will do this and that. But the reality is another thing. And it broke me seeing her push him away, telling him to live as he always does. They loved each other so much, but the big D was constantly there.

Ok now you think "but it will be so sad". Yes, it was sad. It was a beautiful emotional journey. Well written, heartbreaking, and just one I had to accept. I am not going to gloss it over, you know what sad means.

A great book, oh those great books that make you cry. They stay with you. I want to read more by this other, and I recommend it.