A review by slovenianbookworm
Once Upon A Player by Christina Phillips


I love sports romance and I’m always happy when I can get my hands on one. Lucas is a football player who can’t play because of the injury. So he’s doing his physical appointments with his therapist and waiting till he gets the all clear to start playing again. After one of his parties in the new apartment, he meets Violet who is there to clean.

Now, if I stop here, I have to say that I love my sports romance including just a little about sport or playing, or anything other related. Unfortunately (or maybe I missed it), I don’t know much how Lucas got hurt in the first place and the book doesn’t mention it in the next chapters. I am assuming it’s on the field, but still… I’d like to know more.

In the next couple of days, they started to get to know each other more. Lucas is intrigued because she’s one of the rare people who doesn’t fall for him at the first sight and they start to become friends. Violet is still careful after what her ex-boyfriend did to her but she’s over him and she tells Lucas why they can’t become more than friends. But things started to escalate once he invites her to celebrate his birthday with his family.

I like this book, but no matter how light it was to read, I still miss more. More about his injury, more about her mother’s illness, more drama, just more. The reason why they ”broke up” is because he assumed things and she didn’t tell him the truth about her mum even though he told her about his. When they realized they apologize to each other and that’s it. I like more drama, more plot. Many questions were left unanswered: Is there a book about Will (his friend) and Mac (his sister)? What about his dad and their family friend? Are they a couple?

While this was my first read by this author and I’ll definitely follow her works, I can’t get past this, so I’m giving this book 4 stars.

ARC provided via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Slovenian review and full post on my blog: https://slovenianbookworm.wordpress.com/