A review by ebdawson
Strange Waters (A Phoenix Fiction Writers Anthology) by Kyle Robert Shultz, Hannah Heath, E.B. Dawson, Nate Philbrick, J.E. Purrazzi, C. Scott Frank, Janelle Garrett, K.L. + Pierce, Beth Wangler


Unlike Stealing Life, Stealing Freedom takes place in New York and centers on an entirely new character (although there is a reference to Harvest and Ameonna). Koya is a lonely, complicated character and you can’t help but root for him. He’s been abused, manipulated, and had just about everything stolen from him. But he’s found a relative amount of safety in the U.S. since it is one of the few countries that does not have Corporations. All that could change if a certain Bill passes in Congress. Bakemono has all but convinced the American public that they are the best option for scientific research and weapons development, successfully hiding their dark secrets. Koya might get the chance to let people know the truth. But can he really trust the people he’s working with?

A lot of us carry pain, burdens, and insecurities much like Koya, but we are able to hide it. Emotional scars don’t show on the surface. But one of the things I love about Koya is that he can’t hide his scars. His physical alterations are blatantly obvious. They set him apart from everyone around him, screaming “Different!” It’s no wonder that Koya carries around the burden of being different. He cannot find peace or freedom because he is so mentally and emotionally crippled.

This theme struck a real chord with me. I have struggled with always feeling different. I grew up in a different country and had a very different childhood than most people. I don’t always get American references. I once had a supervisor who decided it was funny how different I was and decided to make it an ongoing joke. He thought it was hilarious. I rarely did. It made me feel exposed as if I would never belong anywhere. I did not expect this story to bring this out in me.

There is so much more to this story than just a kid with emotional baggage. True to form, J.E. Purrazzi includes a breathtaking action sequence, thought-provoking world building, and intriguing science fiction elements. It’s a fascinating escape into a futuristic world and a rich character study.