A review by morsecode
On Our Best Behavior: The Seven Deadly Sins and the Price Women Pay to Be Good by Elise Loehnen

This book was a little all over the place. There were some things I found interesting (the chapter on the origins of the Seven Deadly Sins, for example), but I don’t think I’d recommend this book. Good concept (and good cover), but underwhelming and a bit preachy. Lots of anecdotes from the author’s life, some from her friends’ lives, as well as knowledge gleaned from various people she interviewed in the course of her career. Frequent exhortations that we (women, society as a whole) to do X or change Y, but little in the way of concrete advice for doing so. Also, the strict focus on the masculine/feminine  dichotomy was at odds with the self-conscious references to privilege and intersectionality.