A review by carolynaugustyn
The Radius of Us by Marie Marquardt


2017 Book Challenge- Read a book with at least 2 perspectives; BookRiot's 2017 Read Harder Challenge- Read a book with an immigration narrative
Note: I received this book from the author/publisher in exchange for an honest review.

*3.5 stars*

This was an original and interesting read! I haven't read many books with immigrant characters (something I absolutely need to work on) and with the current political climate (ie: AHHHH), it certainly is helpful to read books about the immigrant experience. The chapters from Phoenix's POV were really well done and I found them to be interesting. Gretchen was more of a typical YA novel character so I was less impressed by her but she still offered some good perspective into the world of PTSD and other mental health issues. I found parts of this book to be kind of cheesy or overdone and the romance bordered on instalove which, ugh. But overall this was a fun and interesting read and definitely challenged me to seek out more immigrant reads- which we should all be doing to further our understanding and empathy.