A review by justin92
Digital Minimalism: Choosing a Focused Life in a Noisy World by Cal Newport


Couldn't put this book down. It took about 7 hours in one day but it was great. The breakdown it gives on mental patterns and how companies use those biological features against you is worth reading the book.

However, Cal goes further and offers a step-by-step guide to figure out what portions of digital is worth keeping and what portions are not. This is not a scorched-earth or detox policy. This is a full break and then slowly add portions back as you decide if they offer more benefit than harm.

One minor drawback is that Cal doesn't specifically go into what to do if a person has a FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) problem. Still not enough to lessen my review rating though. I will just look for a good book on FOMO since that is one of my reasons for digital addiction.

100% getting a physical for this and looking to read Cal's previous book Deep Work.