A review by muffinjessica
Why We Fly by Gilly Segal, Kimberly Jones


The author really nailed all the various characters:
Chanel's parents - how they had such high expectations for her, having her plan her life, expecting her to behave a certain way at all times, her dad icing her out when she made a mistake.
Elenaor - wanting to help, but being clueless as to how, and not quite realizing it.
Chanel - the pressure of pleasing her parents and her reluctance to share any feelings perceived as weak for fear of being shut down, how siblings discover things about one another once one moves out of the house.

A lot of themes were explored in the book, but not resolved. I didn't have a problem with that as I feel that's just how life is. It is interesting to read about how best friends can silently drift apart even when they see each other daily.

I wasn't a fan of the pacing of the 2nd half of the book. It went by much faster and I felt there were random large jumps in time. I'd start a chapter thinking the events were days after the previous chatper, only to find an entire month or more had passed.