A review by lisawreading
A River of Stars by Vanessa Hua


3.5 stars

A River of Stars was my book group's pick this month, and I ended up listening to the audiobook. So, some pluses and minuses: The narrator was pretty good, doing (I'm assuming) a good job with the Chinese phrases, which gave the story a nice, rich feel as a "listened-to" book. While the initial set-up -- an off-the-books maternity home for Chinese women of wealth, to ensure that their children would have the advantage of US citizenship -- is interesting, the story really picks up once Scarlett and Daisy flee and have to fend for themselves, using their wits and friendship to survive on the run.

When Scarlett and Daisy finally arrive in San Francisco's Chinatown, the heart of the story really develops. There, they rely on community bonds to make a home for themselves, deliver their babies, and figure out a way to start a life in America while cut off from family, financial stability, and legal status. Scarlett is determined, protective, and entrepreneurial, all traits that can be seen in memories of her earlier years, when she fled her peasant village to seek the opportunities of factory work in a city. Scarlett is inventive and daring, never accepting no for an answer when there's a way she might better the lives of the people she considers family.

On the negative side, the ending is increasingly implausible.
Spoiler It's clever for Scarlett to come up with the idea of a fake green card marriage to Daisy, a US citizen, but I didn't buy that this ploy would work, especially when the women get a HEA with their respective men after all. And pretending to be lesbians seems borderline insensitive in this context, although I understand Scarlett's desperation to find a way to get papers to keep herself safely in the country.
Also, I did feel that the book spends too much time on chapters from Boss Yeung and others' perspectives, rather than keeping a tighter focus on Scarlett and Daisy.

As a resident of San Francisco, I enjoyed the peek behind the scenes of life in Chinatown, with its rich community and traditions that casual visitors and tourists aren't privy to. And as a reader who appreciates strong women as main characters, I was fascinated by Scarlett's determination and ambition, and how these brought her from her poor village to her brand new life in America.

A River of Stars is an engrossing read about unusual characters, and I ended up really liking the story of their search for a good life for their babies. Well worth checking out!