A review by plaidpladd
The Splendor Falls by Rosemary Clement-Moore


I don't know what it was about this book, but I started it in the morning and finished it at around 12:30 that night, thoroughly annoyed when I had to put it down (for stupid things like eating etc.). Sylvie Davis, tragically incapacitated ballerina, is a spunky and likable main character who deals with being stranded in her estranged cousin's creepy old Southern mansion for the summer by 1) being snarky, 2) starting to see ghosts of the Civil War-era residents/her ancestors, and 3) suspecting the other teenagers in town of being part of some kind of voodoo conspiracy. Add into the mix a cute Welsh guy who ALSO seems to be up to something and a well-defined sense of place, and this mystery/ghost story definitely has what it takes to compete and win against every other aspect of my life for 24 hours.