A review by spacestationtrustfund
Captain America: Winter Soldier by Ed Brubaker


Setting aside my personal issues with Brubaker's writing (which covers everything from the misogynistic two-dimensional female characters to the lack of internal consistency and often rambling plot structures), this title is a classic for a reason, and it does live up to much of the hype. It's best if you treat this comic as a foundation for the characterisation or a character study instead of a stand-alone story, and luckily that's what I was looking for when I first read this. Divorced from the context of later depictions of Bucky, Brubaker's ~gritty realism~ take on the Winter Soldier is almost hilariously manpain-y, but when you factor in the overarching story with details you can (thankfully) cherry-pick from a wealth of other comics, it's a fascinating new take on an old classic.