A review by tobyyy
This Is How We Fly by Anna Meriano


I enjoyed this book! As a (very loose) retelling of Cinderella on the (real life) quidditch field, I was wondering if the author would address JKR’s transphobia & other racist/misogynistic & bigoted statements. To my shock, it was discussed in the book (although not in as much detail as I’d prefer).

Also, the MC was questioning, and there were side characters who were non-binary, lesbian, gay, and pan/bi/questioning. I loved the diversity and the way that Ellen tackled social justice issues with her stepmom and dad. A lot of the things she confronts her parents about, are things that I’ve also spent time thinking and talking about. Like the patriarchy, rape culture, ableism, etc.

The story arc was fun and I loved seeing Ellen’s confidence grow as she played Quidditch and made friends and pushed boundaries. A fun story overall! I did feel like I didnt get to know Ellen super well especially given the length of the book — she seemed slightly two-dimensional rather than fully three-dimensional. It was also fairly simply written but I believe this is Meriano’s first YA book (she typically writes MG fantasy) so I can cut her some slack. TBH I didn’t even really notice the simplicity of the writing until I read another review that mentioned it. It didn’t detract from the story for me.