A review by kaulhilo
Twenties Girl by Sophie Kinsella


okay so my whole not-reading-anymore thing really isn't going on so well,, is this what they call book addiction and because this. sucks. two books in less than two days.. well it could be worse. it could be forty eight books in two days, so really, i ought to be grateful. really optimistic, honestly, i should totally go for that.
about this book:
spoilers present, almost all my reviews have spoilers

TWENTIES GIRL. i thought it'd be about a girl who had loads of twenty bucks crammed into her bag pocket and had a knack of giving them to everyone she met. aaaand then maybe she'd give a note to some multimillionaire guy who gets confused about why a random girl on a street is giving her twenty dollars?and he confuses her up with someone else and so and so until they fall in love and have twenty children. a bit far off? okay, how about ten children? :-)

feel free to overanalyze that smiley. it's supposed to be sarcastic.

okay no really, the book. the book is amazing. i honestly read it with a meh attitude, but guess im still dumb. sophie kinsella never disappoints. never. (apart from the new shopaholic books, like will she stop?) (seriously) but oh my god. lara, and lara and i love lara. and sadie!!!!!!!!!!! oh god!!! okay so the book totally spoiled itself at the beginning with the "ghost story" bit like,,!!!i didn't know there would be ghosts!!!! and i thought it'd be kind of boring!!!but it was actually so amazing and it made me laugh like three thousand times and everything is just so pretty!!!!! it's such a wonderful light read like????? wow???? beautiful??? please bless me with more of this wonderful elixir of All That Is Pure And Good In The World! okay so •points for writing type •points for the easygoing style •points for the character arcs •points for Ed I-Forgot-His-Last-Name-But-That-In-No-Way-Diminishes-My-Love-For-Him i love love love love ed i loved the way she asked him out straight up in a conference room and the weird drinks and the magic and the psychic-stuff and the dates and the kiss and the he!has!to!explore!London! and everything i love it so much i love everything God bless this book