A review by micheleb_reads
Invoking the Blood by Kalista Neith

Did not finish book. Stopped at 65%.
I really tried to finish this but it just kept getting worse and worse the more I read so I finally dnf at 75%. I love the premise of the story but I feel like it wasn’t ready for publication. I’m not usually bothered by typos here and there but this book was full of them. The pacing was all over the place and the characters were just annoying. The FMC and MMC were so hot and cold I couldn’t keep up. I’m not sure why Vashien was even there and Sparrow was just absolutely awful. There needed to be more world building. I was confused with the different day bloods, dark bloods, pure bloods and some are immortal and some aren’t and the different ceremonies. None of that was explained very well.