A review by deena_
The Mistake by Elle Kennedy


3.65 stars ☆

I know I'm reading the series all wrong. I picked up the first book of this series earlier this year. I've gone through a chapter or few up until one of the characters, Dean, was introduced. He was such an interesting character, and I just wanted to take a peek into his book—the third one—and ended up devouring it. The first one was long forgotten by then, so I was in for a surprise as this book started off with Logan lying on his bed listening to his best friend make love to the girl of his dreams. Okay, hold on, your what?! I might not have read 'The Deal' but I know that Graham and Hannah are soulmates; any third party's interference is unacceptable. Oh boy, didn't I awfully spoil myself? But I was enjoying it too much to stop and go back to finish the first book.

« This book was absolutely bingeworthy, packed with university chaos and sports drama. It felt realistic to the core—finally, a book where no one overreacts or makes dumb decisions that deserves a hate club of its own. The characters did things that normal kids at normal schools would do: building friendships, discovering oneself, living recklessly, worrying about academics, thinking about the future, falling and failing in love, and all that is to it. »

╰┈➤ Grace is what I'd call the ultimate girlfriend material and the perfect match for sweet, stubborn, persistent, everest sized egoistic Logan. She's got a lot of admirable traits up her sleeves. Her strict upbringing wasn't anywhere close enough to make her a stuck up bitch. She mostly preferred staying in her own bubble and didn't mind having a few but genuine friends. She's an introverted cutie but never shys away from trying out new things; in fact, she has a knack for making others around her comfortable. Her distaste for people making dumb decisions in horror movies and putting Logan through a bunch of tests to make up for his mess-ups had me cheering hard. She knows her worth and knows how to challenge someone who makes her question it. Another fact that makes her 'The One' for Logan is that she doesn't like hockey; our guy here is practically a hockey star, go figure.

╰┈➤ Logan is the biggest fluff and the biggest simp. Ever since he met Grace, he's been thinking of her non-stop. Crush on who? When Grace exists, hell no way. Him being lovestruck and awestruck is the cutest thing ever. He's smooth, easygoing, and a pretty fun character himself. It's hard to be all that mad at him when he so willingly made amends for every single one of his mistakes—no, scratch that, he went out of his way with his grand display of 'wooing'. The way he completed all the tests Grace threw his way with utmost sincerity in hopes of earning a date was really something else; let's not speak of the cheesy poem he wrote for her, comparing her cherry lips to a fancy red car he helped fix as a kid. You'd think he's a pro at these after all the messing around with half the campus girls, but no, he turns into a whole tomato when Grace is involved.

I'd probably speak highly of their friendship all throughout the series, but seriously, it couldn't be any better. I refuse to believe the four of them aren't actually brothers; they were always meant to be like this, end of discussion.

I want to run away with Grace's mother to Paris, have her give me unnecessary life advice, and dye our hair together. I love fictional, supportive, meddlesome mothers who like to play matchmaker for their children.

All those Graham and Hannah snipets killed me and brought me back to life. I swear they have tiny hearts floating over their heads when they are around each other. They really scream 'relationship goals' while being these adorable relationship advisors to their friends.

I'm never letting go of the scene where Logan bonds with the guy Grace was temporarily dating over some mafia game. He crashes at his place to kindly let him know of his intentions and ends up creating a video game family with him. He took that 'keep your opponents closer' thing too far, but hey, it worked!