A review by stephsromancebooktalk
Maddox by Alta Hensley, Maggie Ryan


This book had a rough start for me because it took a long time to set up two worlds. Then when they combined things started to move at a steady pace. I enjoyed Maddox as that super control freak alpha male cowboy. My enjoyment of Adria was a little more on the fence since she came off as a super smart naïve woman. I will say that I can't wait to read the future books in the series because when this happens (additional books in what appears to be a standalone series) authors tend to provide AH HA moments as the journey progresses in future books even when they are focused on new primary characters.

This was provided as an ARC for an honest and voluntary review.

This specific video review: https://youtu.be/SlyQCbZxCds

For other video book reviews check out my YouTube Channel: Stephanie Uncensored