A review by jugglingpup
Ink in Water: An Illustrated Memoir (Or, How I Kicked Anorexia's Ass and Embraced Body Positivity) by Lacy J. Davis, Jim Kettner


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I got an ARC in return for an honest review on NetGalley.

I have to say that I requested this mainly because of the cover. I loved the art style. The subject hit close to home and I really appreciated the existence of the comic. I was just hoping that I would love reading it so I could brag to everyone that I read it and that they should too.

Thankfully, I loved this book. I loved how open and honest the author was. This had to be some painful art to make. I felt both like a voyeur and a confidant. There was a subtle switch when I felt the author had let me in. It was an amazing feeling and I can’t tell if it was intentional or not. No matter the intentions, it was an incredible read and one I will recommend again and again (and again).

The voice was so raw and natural. It felt like a real conversation and it felt authentic. There are very few things I hate worse in books than a fake sounding memoir or stand point theory. They grate me. This is your story, it should should like you really experienced it. This book delivered pain, hope, despair, and so much. I loved how the artist drew her head when the thoughts started to take over. It was so visual and powerful.

I can’t say enough amazing things about this book. I can’t do this book justice with anything I say. Read it.