A review by sadiecass
Destruction by Sharon Bayliss


*I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Three and a Half Stars

I'll be honest. I had a hard time rating this one. I had to let it sit for a few days to figure it out.

When I read the description I thought "Man I'm going to love this one!" Then partway in I thought I was disappointed...and then the story went so fast and at the end I was mad it finished, so I figured I ended up liking it, but I wasn't entirely sure. :)

David is a driven business and family man with a guilty secret--and affair he carried on years ago. He ended the affair, but when the woman disappeared with his children, he never stopped looking for them.

The book starts with David getting "the call". His kids are alive and in a children's shelter. He learns they've been abused and their coping mechanism is to believe they are dark wizards.

For the rest of the review, click here to read it on my blog.

*I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.