A review by bonni24
Stormrise by Jillian Boehme


4.5 stars

A YA retelling of Mulan (+ more emphasis on the role of dragons), this novel provides a much more realistic and mature version of the story. It deals with issues of gender and discrimination, as well as the crude remarks often suffered by females in traditionally male settings.

The story and magic behind dragons had a firm base with rich development throughout the storyline. Perhaps the only sketchy part of dragon magic emerges in the ending when Tan Vey and Rain are suddenly able to breathe dragon fire. Previously, dragon magic was used in more subtle ways, so this seems to be a somewhat sudden development.

Finally, the reason that I took a half star off was because the last 50 pages or so felt a bit rushed. Mostly, the final battle felt incredibly fast. Granted, the dragons did the brunt of the fighting.