A review by gaysandmurder
By Sea & Sky: An Esowon Story by Antoine Bandele


I enjoyed this as someone who rarely reads fantasy - 4.0 stars

I will start by saying that I don't read much fantasy so I don't know how original this was but for someone who stays away from the genre I had a good time.

Zala is a pirate trying to survive and scavenge enough supplies to treat her husband’s terminal illness. Karim is second in command of the empire's newest skyship. If he can capture the wayward pirates, he may be able to become captain. By Sea and Sky follows these two characters and their conflicting goals in an exciting world with characters you enjoy spending time with.

The best part of this book is the way that Bandele is his character work and explaining already developed friendships. I really enjoyed just hanging out with this pirate gang when we were in Zala's perspective. Karim also has important friends, but his perspective felt more focused on achieving his goal of successfully complete the empires mission. I kind of liked this contrast but I did sometimes get confused about who certain people were in his chapters.

I also enjoyed that we were given small chunks of information about the world and the magic system. It was enough for it to be interesting but not overbearing. There is definitely more to be explored in this world and I am excited about it.

The only reason this isn’t five stars is that the pacing and plot could have been more focused. I think it gets better after
Spoiler Zala and her Husband get separated. Which only happens halfway through the book.

The audiobook is well done with fun sound effects to immerse you at the beginning of each chapter.

"I received this book free from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review"