A review by rnshack
The Escape Artist by Brad Meltzer


3 stars

I remember reading The Zero Game a few years ago and loving it. Being blown away by Brad Meltzer and his writing. So when I came across this book I was instantly intrigued and downloaded ASAP to read. It was good but not what I was expecting and not near a good as I remember The Zero Game being.

For starters it was way too long. It felt like nothing happened for over 200 pages. Next, I got super annoyed every time Meltzer inserted himself, as the author, into the book…6 mins from now Zig will blah blah blah. It was weird and took me out of the story instantly, every time. Please stop doing that sir.

And lastly there were SO.MANY.PEOPLE. Lots of bad guys, lots of good guys, just so many characters it was a bit hard to keep straight. Especially for such a mild, not much happening mystery. There were like 6 bad guys and more than one of their names started with H. There was also so much telling. Like here is bad guy #1 and here’s why he is bad and his small role. Oh, wait here is bad guy #2. Here’s why he is bad and how he fits into the story. Oh, here is a good guy, not doing really anything but don’t get too familiar cause we won’t hear from him again for another 100 pages. I want to be in the story. Not told it from the 1000 foot view.

So all in all not bad, didn’t offend me in any real way but it definitely sits squarely at a solid, middle of the row 3 star. But I’m not sure I’ll read book 2, it wasn’t that good.