A review by riptidemigod
Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro


It messed with my head so badly, made me want to scream and cry and rip my heart out of my chest. It was an horrible story and so unfair and why, why, why would someone write something like that?

Ruth was horrible, the other friendships were non existent apart from Laura who suddenly gets a personality for a page or two. Also I have absolutely no idea who Kathy really is, everything felt so disjointed and superficial. It felt as if she had absolutely no spine and just thought about herself and how to get the most out of each situation.

The whole plot/mystery being explained at the end frustrated me so much. There were some major wholes in the whole book concerning the society and how it works and even during the big reveal they weren't addressed. I get the whole "you are kept in the dark, just like Kathy was" but frankly it sucked.

I really don't get it, why write a book so painful and not give a single way to cope? I don't know if i read it wrong, but i couldn't find a single silver lining. The characters are just doomed from the start and desperate for these few years to mean something, to matter.