A review by kreela
God of Malice by Rina Kent


Last night I was reading Rina Kent’s contemporary dark romance “God of Malice” that I downloaded without knowing it was a mafia academy romance. I like darkness, but only to a point. I don’t like reading from the criminal perspective. Normally I go for fantasy romance or PNR, but lately the plots all seem to merge together.

I made it to 50%. The plot was fine, the characters were deep, the exploration of the extreme ends of humanity were amazing psychological pieces, the sex was look-through-the-fingers-in-embarrassment …fulfilling. I kept teetering between utter horror and fascination, which is the point. Then I was done. Caput. I could see where it was going, and I did not want to be a participant.

The story started off with a literal cliff-hanger, and the near-death experience results in a non-con situation that was very graphic and changed MC. Previously her best friend had died, leaving her floating in a living pergatory. The sudden realization that she would do anything to live brings her into realizing she needs a threatening situation to really feel freely emotional. Unfortunately, the guy who forced her into her epiphany lacks normal emotions and is considered a future mass murderer in infancy. Oops.

The story has its light moments, and I thoroughly enjoyed it until MC accepts her abnormality and her lover, then makes herself a pawn against Killian. I could see where the story would lead, and I just didn’t want to read that.

• Dual POV
• Mafia dark romance
• loved the dialogue
• Scorching romance
* Possessiveness

“ Every single ideal can be turned monstrous when it’s pushed to the limits. I’m the limits”