A review by katrinamarie
Perfect Ten by Michelle Craig


This review was originally posted on Bookish Things & More

I’m not going to lie, at first I didn’t like Joe Starling. He’s arrogant, and honestly, a little douchey.  But he grows on you. Especially when he learns that maybe he doesn’t want to live the way he does anymore.

Now I adore Faith. She’s fun when she lets her walls down, has amazing friends, and refuses to be made to look like an idiot.  I do wish she had a little more self-confidence, but she learns to love herself. And that is the most awesome thing ever! I love how much she grows throughout the book.  She doesn’t allow people to say crappy things to her anymore, and there’s this one moment where she just snaps. And it may be my favorite one.

Perfect Ten is a quick read.  You get lost in the attraction and the sweetness of moments.  You get outraged at the way some characters are treated, but then are okay because others are there for them.

If you like dirty talk, smexy scenes, fun banter, and characters getting to know each other then this is the book for you.