A review by mldavisreads
The Mystery of Ireland's Eye by Shane Peacock



Middle Grade Adventure.  Dylan lives in Canada with his parents.  His dad is an adventure-seeker, and when Dylan hears him talking about a trip to the mysterious abandoned island off the coast of Newfoundland he wants to take part.  Over the next year Dylan proves himself responsible in any way he can, working on his grades, his hockey performance, his upper body strength.  He successfully convinces his parents that he is up for the physical toll of a long kayak trip.  But as they get closer to Ireland's Eye, Dylan gets spooked-- why does he see faces in an abandoned town?  Soon Dylan realizes that getting to the island was nowhere near the most treacherous part of the trip.

This story had several things going for it-- a male main character (unfortunately uncommon in middle grade and YA literature), parents that were very much present, and a high-stakes adventure.  I enjoyed the story, switching back and forth between the audio version and the print version.  This is first in a series.