A review by beckymmoe
Offsetting Penalties by Ally Mathews


Another cute YA romance, this one about two people who know what they want after high school but need a little help (from each other, of course) to get there.

I really liked both Izzy and Garret--the whole blackmail bit started them off on shaky ground, but fortunately they moved on from that pretty quickly. They're both really good together (not to mention a freaking adorable couple) and each soon comes to respect the other for what they're capable of and realize that when they use their strengths together they can each help to bring the other even closer to their goals. The ending was especially adorable--even though things get resolved a bit quickly and we don't find out for sure what they'll both be doing after high school, there's definite hope for a future together and we see them both moving toward what it was they individually wanted.

Plus, football players attempting ballet. Just the images in my mind... :)

Offsetting Penalties is a sweet standalone from an author I'll definitely be on the lookout for more from!

Rating: 4 stars / B+

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.