A review by samanthampg
Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo


I went into this book with all the expectations and it lived up to them for sure! I knew that the beginning was slower paced so I was expecting it! What i wasn’t expected was to love these characters and their relationships so much! The only reason I’m giving 4/5 stars is because I felt like there was just something missing from the novel for it to be a complete 5 stars. However, that doesn’t mean it wasn’t brilliant!

As I stated the beginning was slower paced but I honestly thought there was enough mixture of backstory and action to keep me entertained from the beginning, the way the author painted a picture of each character, slowly revealing more information about them throughout the book instead of info dumping at the beginning was much more my style.

Every character had a unique set of values, morals and purpose. They all came from different walks of life yet they all ended up in the same place anyways. I think having so many characters and POVs was helpful because it gives everybody a chance to connect with a different character. Personally I was a big fan of Inej! Also, the relationships weren’t the main focus (besides maybe like two people) but I thought that they were included subtly enough that I was able to enjoy them without completely feeling like they took over the plot.

Overall I really enjoyed the authors writing style and the world that she has built. I found myself caring about all of the characters and I was feeling excited, scared, hopeful, etc. Which I haven’t found in a lot of my recent reads. It was a captivating story, with amazing characters, a well thought out plot, an intricately designed world and I can’t wait to read more of.