A review by johnwillson
Martian Ark by Brandon Ellis


When corrupt governors and all-powerful crime lords are too busy battling each other to notice that the world is ending, who could possibly save it? A criminal archaeologist on the run, the policewoman who's supposed to arrest him, and a wonky alien space-knight? Maybe!

This ain't Saberhagen, Watts or Morin. But it's fast-paced and mostly satisfying.

Pick up this ebook for the saving-the-human-race, stick around for the ancient alien mysteries. Our heroic archaeologist discovers the solar system's deep cultural history in tantalizing bits and pieces, and it keeps me turning epages. Epages that are chock full of action! And I don't want to give anything away, but: who else could possibly convince you that taking off your space suit on the martian surface is a good idea, but this author?

Recommended for fans of ship-to-ship battles, desperate missions, running out of oxygen, and martian hieroglyphics.

Complaints: this is definitely sci-fi via Hollywood. Characters breathe "oxygen," can see "photon bolts" coming, and you can re-charge a tunnel-boring machine by solar panels (on Mars!) in less than a day. You have to leave your astrophysics degree in the drawer while reading this series. Then it's fun.