A review by palsbookshelf
Nightmare in Savannah by Lela Gwenn


Alexa leaves Chicago and moves in with her grandfather after her parents are sent to jail. With social media being a character certificate, Alexa finds that her new school is not going to warm up to her. But then she finds Fae, Chloe and Skye. This group of social misfits then discover about their past, which will change their present drastically.

Graphic novels are always fun to read, with the illustrations and a quick pace, it often acts as a remedy to get out of a reading slump. But there is so much that could go hit and miss with the graphic novels. Already so little words make it to the book, and the one that are included if cannot give a strong framework to the story, no matter how illustrative the illustrations are, it will still be incoherent. That's what I felt in this book as well. The scenes are so abrupt and disjointed, that it never lets the anticipation build up. One scene jumps to another, with very little relevance from each other.

I did feel that the theme of the book was quite interesting, with its folklore and mythology trope, but the "nightmare" never turned into a nightmare actually!

Thank you to the author, publisher and NetGalley for the free e-book.