A review by alexiasophii
Spells for Change: A Guide for Modern Witches by Frankie Castanea


I would first and foremost say that I had very low expectations for this book. The last time I read a book written by an "influencer" within the Craft, it was [b:Wicca: A Modern Guide to Witchcraft and Magick|41113279|Wicca A Modern Guide to Witchcraft and Magick|Harmony Nice|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1542560476l/41113279._SX50_.jpg|64232162] and we all know how that turned out. However... I was surprised. VERY surprised.

This book has quickly reached my top favourite beginner books on Witchcraft and it's gonna be my go-to to recommend to anyone who wants a beginners book on Witchcraft. I love how Frankie made sure to create a distance between what is just Witchcraft and what is Wicca. I love how we didn't get a book that's the typical: Definition, Sabbats, Divination, Tools, etc run of the mill beginners books.

This is a book that includes topics that are "hot" in our community at the moment like Hexing, Shadow Work, Activism, Cultural Appropriation, etc. Things that are actually relevant and important for new people to understand, instead of just being exposed to it through TikToks. Frankie makes sure to touch on all important topics, to develop them, to give exercises and spells as examples and, my favourite part of all, REFERENCES! This book has references! Do you know how amazing (and RARE!) that is? Throughout the book, they make sure to have references to where they got the information from and, in the end, they list a very good and complete source of books that they checked and that they recommend. This, for me, was the cherry on the top.

I'm going to be doing a bit more in-depth analysis on my blog and I'll link to it later, but overall, 5/5 stars!