A review by sailorsixam
The Book of Hope: A Survival Guide for Trying Times by Jane Goodall


Disclaimer: this is the first non-fiction book I’ve read that isn’t an encyclopaedia, so I’m not really sure how to review it, and I don’t have anything to compare it to. 

Having said that, I thoroughly enjoyed this book. I loved the mix of memoir (Jane Goodall was my childhood icon~ ) and self-help; the topic of hope felt very relevant to me as a senior high school student who is hoping to get into medicine. The way Jane’s philosophies were weaved between anecdotes of her work with animals and the environment, the experiences of other human beings, and general events in history, or the present, was engaging and on many occasions had me curious for further reading. 
Some parts were a bit slow for me, I could have done with about 30 pages taken out, but I think it was very well done overall. Highly recommend.