A review by sweetpavement
Nine and a Half Weeks: A Memoir of a Love Affair by Elizabeth McNeill


I'm not entirely sure what I expected when I checked this out of the library, but the book I got wasn't it. I'd read a number of reviews that warned it was darker than the movie (which I didn't particularly care for, but that has more to do with Mickey Rourke than with the film's story), so that wasn't quite what bothered me.

Ultimately I think the problem I had is that there seems to be so much of the "erotic fiction" canon that is predicated on the idea that the only ways to have kinky sex are either to be completely dysfunctional or to be silly about it. This book certainly falls into the dysfunctional side of the spectrum.

All in all though, it was fascinating to see what a...heavy influence this must have been on 50 Shades.