A review by cozygreylibrary
Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones by James Clear

hopeful informative medium-paced


Wow, this book blew me away! I was searching for something to help me break out of a slump, especially with the winter blues and my failing New Year's resolutions, and this book was exactly what I needed.

Clear has a remarkable talent for simplifying complex topics into actionable behaviors that can easily be incorporated into daily life. In this book, he delves into biology, psychology, and neuroscience to offer a straightforward guide for making good habits inevitable and bad habits impossible. Along the way, he shares inspiring stories from Olympic athletes, artists, business leaders, physicians, and comedians who have used the power of small habits to achieve remarkable success.

Key takeaways include learning how to make time for new habits, even in the midst of chaos; overcoming a lack of motivation and willpower; designing your environment to support your goals; and getting back on track when you stumble.

This book has left a lasting impression on me, and even though I listened to the audiobook, I'll definitely be purchasing a physical copy to revisit its wisdom for years to come.