A review by greyetal
One to Watch by Kate Stayman-London


One to Watch has been reviewed so well - it has 4.05 stars on Goodreads! But it didn't do it for me. The premise is centered on a show called the Main Squeeze, which is basically The Bachelor/ette. Bea is a plus sized blogger who goes on a rant one night about the lack of size & race diversity on the show. Next thing she knows, the producers are asking her to be the lead.⁣

Here's what I liked: the author included online articles, podcast scripts & group chats about the show - I loved those additional reactions because it felt true to the Bachelor/ette watching experience - for many viewers, it's not just about watching, it's about dissecting it afterwards.⁣

I didn't love how thick the jerks were laid on. So many of the men were straight up cruel about Bea's(perfectly average) weight - it didn't feel realistic & wasn't enjoyable to read.⁣

There's lots of diversity, but some of it felt a bit like checking a box - there were parts that didn't feel naturally placed into the story.⁣

Overall, I just found the book a little tricky to connect to. If you're a long time Bachelor fan you might like it - and I've also heard it's good on audio!