A review by triplebriiii
Kingdom of Souls by Rena Barron


To start - my thoughts on this book are pretty much bc my general preferences for characters and romances did not align with these characters and these romances. Nothing to do with the writing (or mostly anyways), I thought these were good characters, the plot was interesting, I enjoyed that everything was a struggle. The worldbuilding was great, I was really interested in the history and the mythology, though I do wish we had gotten a little deeper into their magic system. It seemed a bit unclear, which I think makes sense considering Arrah doesn't have magic, and we're in her POV, but that was an element that I missed. 

The ending kind of saved this one for me, I appreciated the reveals and how the dots connected. One of my biggest issues was that I simply did not find Arrah compelling bc she was so Lawful Good. I generally prefer morally grey characters, neutral characters, villainous characters (what can I say 😅). Her desperation to prove herself and save the children and fight against
her mother and sister
were all fine, great characters choices, just simply.... not particularly interesting to me personally. I also didn't particularly enjoy the romance aspect of this
except for the Demon King bc 😍😍😍 (look I told you I'm fucked up)
but that's bc I generally don't like childhood friends-to-lovers it's.... boring to me whoops 😅. The ending tho, as I mentioned, did clear some things up and helped explain exactly why Arrah was so desperate to prove herself. 

I'm looking forward to continuing the series even though I'm 100% convinced that it's not going to end up the way I personally want the story to end up, but that's okay it's not all about me lol.