A review by cmzukowski
Diary of an AssCan by Andy Weir


Actual rating 3.5 stars but rounding up tot four for GR.

All you have to say to me is "Martian prequel" and I am already dropping and/or ignoring everything I was doing at the moment. So of course I was amped to read this.

This is a VERY short prequel but pretty cool. It is just a few diary/log entries by Watney before they go into space for the trip to Mars. I love that is shows the excitement he felt when he found out he was on the mission and it made him seems like just an excited kid. He seems incredibly relatable (just like in the book) and comes off like just a regular person, which is the main thing i loved about his character in The Martian. It also shows his humor and there are a few remarks that relate in a way to things that happen in the book, and I quite liked that. I wish it was longer (of course) but if anything I will just go read The martian again now to get some more of Mark Watney.