A review by annels789
Every Last One by Anna Quindlen


Every time I read something by Anna Quindlen, I end up wishing that she lived next door. She clearly understands so much about the mix of joy and pain at each stage of motherhood. I loved the start of this book with its descriptions of the hidden undercurrents in the relationships between the main character and her teen-aged children, husband, and friends in this outwardly happy, successful family. Then the "tragedy" hinted at on the back cover occurred. It was so outrageous that it felt like a punch in the nose. I put the book down angrily and refused to read it again for several days. It felt like the kind of plot device poorer writers are forced to throw in to give their work emotional impact. Quindlen's quieter insights are dramatic enough without the use of this "big event". Nevertheless, I am glad I did finally pick the book up again and finish it. It made me cry several times, but it was written so sensitively and honestly that I no longer felt cheated by this gifted writer.