A review by krisrid
Better Homes and Hauntings by Molly Harper


I loved absolutely everything about this book!

I loved the characters, who were quirky and funny, and kind and smart, but who all had weird characteristics that made them human and likable.

I loved the plot, which has multiple story lines all running in parallel but interconnecting with the other stories in clever, neat ways.

I love that there are tons of references to nerdy things like movies, technology, and pop culture sprinkled throughout the book in ways that a subtle but totally make sense and work in the context of the story and what's going on.

I love that there is romance - more than one, actually - but that it is sweet and gentle and augments the other aspects of the book in totally natural and fitting ways, without becoming sappy or forced.

I love the writing, which is really, really strong. This author knows her characters and her stories and she delivers them in totally engaging, entertaining ways.

I loved the paranormal aspects of the story, which were perfect for the rest of the book, the characters involved and the history that leads up to where we find the characters.

I REALLY loved the renovation component of the story as the "Scooby gang" [yes, the book has references to Scooby Doo that make perfect sense - and that ALONE would make me give this 5 stars!] works on refurbishing Deacon's family home. I loved hearing about the gardens, and the crown moldings, and the stained glass in the ballroom. But then, I'm an architecture geek. If that isn't your thing, it is mild enough that you could skim over those descriptions if you really wanted to.

I simply adored every moment I spend reading this book! It was charming and fun and lovely on every level you can think of for a book. A delight!