A review by busyreading
The Way Back by Kylie Ladd


Thirteen year old Charlie Johnson loves nothing more than spending time with Tic Tac who is a horse at the local pony club where she spends all her free time. On Saturdays after pony club Charlie and her friend Ivy go for their usual leisurely ride through the National Park.

When Tic Tac becomes lame, Charlie has to walk him back, so Ivy rides on in front and waits for them to return, but they don't return. It's been a few days later that Tic Tac returns on his own limping rather badly. Charlie's parents, Rachael and Matt are frantic and sick with worry as they joined in the search with the police and the SES.

Days turn into weeks and weeks start to turn into months and still Charlie was nowhere to be found and with such a large area to explore it was starting to look like they would never find her and the unthinkable might have happened. That was all to change when one day Charlie appears looking worse for wear, but she was alive. Her family is overcome with joy and they can't believe their eyes. Now the question remains as to where has Charlie been all these months and just what happened to her?

I have read a few very good psychological thrillers lately and this was another one. Aussie author Kylie Ladd has done a fantastic job in keeping the reader fully absorbed and engrossed in this story from the first page all the way to the very last page. I have no hesitation in highly recommending this book to anyone who loves a great read and especially to those who love to read psychological thrillers.