A review by jugglingpup
The Wrong Kind of Weird by James Ramos


I got an ARC of this book.

So I get the idea of the book. I really do. I really liked parts of it. I enjoyed the Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z information. I knew exactly what was happening, because of my own love of the series. I loved the nerd stuff so much. My issue is I just don't understand why the MC ended up choosing the way he did. It made zero sense. There was no build up. If the book was about him choosing himself instead of someone who said things like how it isn't ok to make something your whole personality, yes. Instead it is a weird love triangle.

The queer characters felt thrown in. They didn't really have plots or reasons to exist most of the time. I wanted more building up of them. I loved the idea of them, but they just didn't go anywhere.

Overall, eh. It is great to see hardcore fans get some page time. I just wish the plot was more engaging and the ending felt more inline with the characters.