A review by horoxv
Star Wars: Obi-Wan and Anakin by


Excellent series. Couldn't ask more from a 5 Volume comic.

Anakin and Obi-Wan show something that everyone from star wars needs to see.
Anakin growing up.

Something that the prequels didn't do the best job at(disclaimer, I love the prequel trilogies for what they are, faults and all), is portraying Anakin's emotional slide to the dark side. Overall, there are about 6+ hours of footage that can be crammed into the films. Sure the main plot points and events that caused that(for the most part) are there, but there was a lot more to it. That is why some of my favorite star wars canon materials involve the bits and pieces of Anakin's life that extend the prequel trilogy.

In this series we see more of Palpatine's manipulation, more of Anakin's questions, more of Obi-Wan's grasping attempts to raise someone with so many said questions.

We see an awesome new planet, with a very strange culture and race system, as well as some pretty cool combat scenes.

Overall, I felt that this was what I want out of Star Wars comics and wish there were more than just 5 issues.