A review by debz57a52
Resistance by Hilary Sycamore, Carla Jablonski, Leland Purvis


The beginning of this graphic novel was a little unclear, since there was no intentional introduction to the characters and their relationships. However, by about 15 page in, I'd figured things out.

As a graphic novel, the style of call-out figures in cream and black pencil mixed in with the colored panels is an incredibly powerful choice for this kind of story. The more raw pencil panels are so emotional already, but the lack of color heightens that awareness all the more. The story, one of a Christian family in unoccupied France trying to fight for the safety of their neighbors and friends, is not knew. All the same, it's interesting enough to me that I want to read the second part.

However, the Author's Note at the end may just be worth the money to me, as a teacher. In just a few sentences, it puts the Holocaust (and the various resistance groups) in perspective, but also reminds us that collaborators weren't always bad and resisters weren't always good.